Daniel’s Story

DDanielaniel is 10 years old. From the age of two we struggled to control his behaviour and emotional outbursts. Because he never displayed this behaviour at pre-school and later school, it was hard to get anyone to admit he had a problem. We took him to countless appointments to see paediatrician’s and specialists in mental health in children (CAHMS) but they offered little help or support.

Daniel has also suffered from constipation from birth. From the age of 2, when it was finally diagnosed as a problem, he was on a variety of drugs to control his bowels. Daniel was forced into a life of stomach pain and unpredictable diarrhoea. We managed this until he reached 9 years old, when I went on a desperate search for someone to believe Daniel had problems which could maybe be treated or at least helped.
For years my husband and I as well as the extended family believed Daniel displayed a large number of Autistic traits. The Specialist’s would not give him a formal diagnosis because in their words, he did not display enough symptoms of autism or not severe enough to need any diagnosis. It was very frustrating for the whole family who on a daily basis were affected by his behaviour. With no diagnosis, there was no support. Support I so desperately needed. As a family, his behaviour was destroying us.
Then we discovered The Advance Centre. A place, where Daniel was finally understood. Where all the problems we had been experiencing could be explained. The relief I felt when someone outside the family confirmed what we had believed for years was life changing.
Linda and her team were amazing support. Always available to talk and give advice and guidance. Something I’d never been given before.
Daniel started on the TST programme 8 months ago. Within a month he was no longer requiring any medication for his constipation and the tummy aches he had experienced for so long, had but gone. His behaviour change has been a gradual journey, but he is a lot better than he was. We are seeing improvements all the time. We still have a way to go, but it is early days!

We thank Daniel’s Mum for contributing to our blog.

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